Advanced Point Cloud Processing Software
TerraScan is the main application in the Terrasolid Software family for managing and processing all types of point clouds. It offers import and project structuring tools for handling the massive number of points of a laser scanning campaign as well as the corresponding trajectory information. Various classification routines enable the automatic filtering of the point cloud.
Point cloud management, processing and visualization is only one part of TerraScan. In addition, the software provides automated tools for creating 3D vector data based on the laser points. Users can produce 3D vector models of buildings (up to LOD2) automatically over nationwide areas, vectorize power lines, run corridor analysis reporting danger objects or analyze road surface condition or detect paint lines and curb stones. The results from the fully automatic classification can be refined by using half-automatic and manual classification tools in combination with versatile 3D point cloud visualization options.
Most of the automatic classification routines can be combined in macros for batch processing. In combination with batch processing macros can be executed outside TerraScan and MicroStation, even on other workstations over a LAN.
TerraScan supports several import and export formats, including the LAS and LAZ formats, TerraScan Binary and TerraScan Fast Binary formats, as well as ASCII formats that can be defined according to the users’ needs.