3D Reality Modelling
Reality models provide real-world context using aerial imagery and/or photographs. Technologies like 3D imaging and photogrammetry with the use of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicle) provide these images to be used in software for converting a 2D map to a 3D model.
With ContextCapture, you can cost effectively produce 3D models of the most challenging existing conditions for use on every infrastructure project, using ordinary photographs. You can add point clouds for additional accuracy resulting in fi ne details, sharp edges, and geometric accuracy. You can quickly create and use these highly detailed 3D reality meshes to provide precise real-world context for design, construction, and operations decisions for use throughout the lifecycle of projects.
ContextCapture allows you to reliably and quickly produce 3D models of any scale, from objects of a few centimeters to entire cities. The only limit in the precision of the resulting 3D model is the resolution of the input data.
Also, LumenRT is an E-on software licensed by Bentley. It can create real-time immersive experiences. It presents a combination of tools that create ultra-high-definition videos and photographic images for 3D projects.